January 25, 2009

Open Entry....I LOVE IT!

Well I know I waited along enough to show you the pictures of my newly opened entry way, and wood floors!! It's taken a while but it was SO WORTH IT!!!! I know, I know if you're jealous my husband can do stuff like this, no worries...you can hire him to come to your house! ; )


Lesley said...

Oh my gosh! I am seriously jealous!!!It looks awesome!!

The Seat House said...

PLEASE send him our way... Looks GREAT!

DetJessandalltherest said...

Fabulous! LOVE LOVE LOVE the wood floors - and yes, I am jealous of your handy man husband :)

Nicole said...

It looks awesome!!!

mallory said...

Didn't see it before, but looks great now! We do have a couple of projects in mind for him in the future!

Bob Utley said...

Well, being the father of the blogger... and the father-in-law of the "handy man husband"... I can honestly say, without, conflict of interest, this remodel work is awesome! I am really excited for them. Now, I was in that room last night and removing all the carpeting had an impact on the sound-repercussion in the room... and having no area-rugs (to speak of), the noise level of Lil' & Addy Irene was OFF THE CHART! Must get ear-plugs for future visits. :) I'm thrilled they got the wood floors down. --Bob a.k.a. Karyn's dad

The Davidsons said...

It looks great!!

The Davidsons said...

Looks great!!

kj said...

Dad...the area rug I want is $284, I'll get it and send you the bill!!! ; )

Elizabeth Mullins said...

I'm impressed!

Gene said...

Beautiful work!!! He AND his dad are so unbelievably talented! It is amazing to see what those guys can do!