April 29, 2008

YFZ Ranch

When the news comes on about the YFZ Ranch, it makes me sick, sad & mad! I can't imagine having your children taken from you, if you truly believed you weren't doing anything wrong (which I feel is the case here.) The brainwashing that takes place in circumstances like that amaze me! When the news is on, I can't turn it off!

Let me tell you why I could never be caught up in a "ranch" like this.....

1. Long sleeve dresses, to the ground, in Texas? Are you nuts? I sweat in sleeveless dresses!

2. A bun. I am not opposed to buns.....but I prefer cinnamon or hot crossed.....not on my head. Can you imagine the number of bobby pins used in that place? Was there a YFZ Ranch bobby pin factory next door?

3. Again, I love my own kids. But there were 77 kids UNDER THE AGE OF 2. Hmmmmm, no thank you. Have you smelled the baby hall after SonShine School???

4. I don't think flip flops are allowed. If you can't wear flip flops, I don't want to be a part of it.

5. Uh, can they use a microwave??

6. Lip gloss, can't leave home without it.

7. Only having to see your husband once a week...............uh, let's skip this one.


The Seat House said...

You just crack me up!!

Gena said...

That's hilarious. I'm so glad you started a blog.

Micah and Tara Hobbs said...

Micah said you would go counter top hunting with me!! Were you serious? I need all the help I can get. I am totally NOT a decorator!!