April 15, 2008


FAKERS! They just look like they like each other.
The other night Addy was in their room yelling "Sissssseeee, Sisssseeee". (You have to read that with a little Hispanic accent!)
Lily was in the living room, Damon said "Lily, Addy wants you." Lily got up and followed me in the kitchen. She said "Mom I can't do it!" I said, " You can't do what, Lily?" Her classic response, "Mom I can't go back there with her, I haven't had a night off since she was born!"


Heather said...

They are precious! Lily is too funny--I can hear her saying that about Addy!! Glad you started a blog!!

Lesley said...

love those girls!

Mandy said...

Cute blog! Can I add it to the list of blogs I read on my blog?