My sweet 5 year old went to school this morning a normal, bright, funny little girl, full of life and energy. She came home the same way, only with a loose tooth. A loose tooth! Are you kidding me? I swear she just got those teeth! I remember watching them pop through! I remember rubbing numbing cream on her gums...teething tablets...Tylenol, that was YESTERDAY!!!
Now she is filled with even more joy and excitement. Seeing her eyes light up as she used her tongue to wiggle that little white tooth back and forth. She shrieked with excitement, "Mom I'm getting bigger!" She is getting bigger, taller, and smarter every day. She's growing up right before my eyes.....where's that pause button on life?
I remember when we were talking potty training over snowcones. Times have changed. Raegan told me today she didn't want to grow up like me because she doesn't want to get her ears pierced.
I forgot to tell Re... she told me during lunch her tooth felt weird and i assumed it was getting loose... so we had a talk about losing teeth... of course there was a lot of "i lost this one" and "I am gonna lose this one"... friendly competition! I am so blessed with a great class.. they are so fun!
Crazy, huh!!!
Gabe has lost one and the one next to it is loose. I was okay with it till I could see both of the new BIG teeth breaking through (One before he has even lost the baby one) Now that I cant handle. BIG TEETH!! AHHHHH!!!
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