June 7, 2008

My Lily

We moved into our house in Edmond 4 days before Lily Alana arrived in this world! (I know, I know, CRAZY, right?)

Well several friends (actually tons of friends & family) came out that Saturday, June 14, 2003 to help us move.

Now I should let you in on a few things:

1. We didn't know if we were having a boy or girl, yes we're one of THOSE couples!!
2. We told no one, I repeat, NO ONE what names we had picked out.

Our friends, Paige & Jared Whitehead, showed up to help us move. And Paige walked up immediately and handed DJ and I a square terracotta pot, and there was 1 green sprig in it. No flower, just a green sprig. She said "here's your house warming gift, it's actually a Lily and it should bloom any day now!"

I about dropped the terracotta pot on her toe. Damon just stared at me. I stared at him. I think we said thank you, I don't remember!

After everyone had left, the first thing he said to me was "you told her our girl name!" "NO!!! No I didn't Damon, I promise!" And I really hadn't told her.

We both sat on the couch a little freaked out. We knew at that moment we were having a girl. Lily Alana arrived at 2:17 AM Tuesday morning, and "the Lily" bloomed while we were at the hospital! My mom planted the lily for me in my yard and we take a picture of our "Lily's"every year!


Nicole said...

That's sweet!! I love it!!!

Renee Conley said...

That is a beautiful story for a beautiful girl.

Lesley said...

I got goose bumps! Wow!

Brooke said...

sniff, sniff!

Jaime said...

What a darling story! And good thing you can keep it alive because I would kill it for sure. I don't think I will be able to name any kids after flowers or plants because of my history of not having any green in my thumb. Very special story and Lilies.:-)

Amy said...

I love this story...