June 18, 2008

Fab 4 Turning 5!

Five years ago I was pregnant, and so were 3 of my great friends. We were pregnant with our "firsts"! It was a great & scary time! We all had our babies June & July 2003. When they were 9 months old (I think) we had this picture made, and we have had their picture made together each year after that. I won't list names but most of you who read my blog know who these kids are ...B, T, L & J.
This is the most recent picture below (they are in the opposite order.) It's in preparation for their big FAB 4 Birthday Party! J & L have already turned 5 and T & B will be 5 in July.

What a fun time and what a blessing that our kids can grow up with wonderful Christian friends.


Nicole said...

Totally adorable!!!! I love it!!!

Vanover Adventures said...

Where does the time go?? B turned 5 in May! Good seeing you Tuesday (even if it was just for a second...) xo~ jv

Nicole said...

I actually thought about blowing those pics up to put in their room:)

Gena said...

I feel like it was yesterday we were eating snowcones after church, and talking about potty training. They were so little then!