August 28, 2009

Ode to the Portable DVD Player

Dear Portable DVD Player,

Where do I begin? When you joined our home 6 years ago I wasn't sure how you'd fit in. But after about a year I knew you would become a permanent fixture in our lives. I apologize to you that in your final days, I have had to find a stock image of you online, I couldn't humiliate you by snapping a shot of you at your worst. You've seen us through good times and bad times. Hospital visits, hospital stays, trips to McAlester, Tulsa and Dallas, soccer practice, doctors visits, numerous flights to San Diego, and yes sometimes even trips from west Edmond to east Edmond.

You were always there and never complained about sticky fingers or little hands grabbing your head and slamming it down repeatedly. You've been left in a hot car for weeks, and had graham crackers & gummy bears inserted into your dvd compartment (I'm really sorry about that part, that must have been painful.)

I hope you know how much you have meant to me. You can not be replaced...unless, however, Best Buy has a sale soon. And I know you will soon be tossed into a box labeled "junk"....but you're not junk in my book. I love you and thank you for your dedication.




Emily said...

Shoot, sometimes going from west Edmond to east Edmond IS like going to Dallas.

And how did people LIVE before the portable DVD player??

Kayla said...

Haha. Poor little DVD player!!

Jama said...

Feeling your pain, the tv in our bedroom finally died....the last of the college apartment applicances....