August 17, 2009

L = Y

Please remember that Addy says all her L's as Y's.

With that being said, I present to you:

"Yook mommy I got yotion on my yegs!"

Yots of yotion.

You don't yike it? You are yelling so youd!

I yuv you mommy.

Awwww, dang it. I yuv you...I mean love you, too!


Jaime said...

Yikes. I bet that was nearly impossible to scrub off, but she is so baby smooth now.

DetJessandalltherest said...

Hee! That is funny...

Wa Wa Waughs said...

I yuv it!

Lesley said...

oops! sorry! i think she may have maybe could have learned a little bit of that from cailey, maybe.

Kayla said...

We have seen very similar legs many times!!

Elizabeth Mullins said...

Yipes! I wish I could have seen your reaction!