June 10, 2009


I am taking a timeout from blogging. I have a lot to do over the coming month to prepare for this new job, and leave my current job. I need to really take time to focus on my family and enjoy them. I didn't want my friends in blogland to think I had forgotten you, but this monitor and key pad consume a lot of my life and I just need to take a break from it!

I shall return.....


Chellie said...

I understand... enjoy your family!

Unknown said...

I completely understand because bloggy world consumes more of my time than I care to admit. Mainly, my sleep suffers because of it! Good luck with the job transition!

vivian said...

I am so excited for you in the new job! Good luck, congratulations, and God bless.....Jane

DeeDee said...

love you Karyn, we prob all need to do this as well.

Julie said...

awwwww maaaannnn!! I guess those are good excuses...new job, family, blah, blah, blah
;0)...we'll miss ya!

Chrisie said...

GOOD LUCK with the new job! I'm looking for one of those myself. Hopefully God will come knocking on my door soon...

suzspeaks said...

Enjoy your break! We all need breaks from this blog world sometimes! I'm so happy for you and your new job adventures!!! Have a good break!