Addy brought home a Pre-K homework assignment (what is this world coming to when Pre-K students have homework?) She had to cut out little pictures of words that started with the letter N and glue them in their correct place on the page.
The first was...
Native American. The following conversation transpired....
Lily: Addy, that's a Nate of American.
Me: A what?
Lily: A Nate of American.
Me: A Native American?
Lily: What?
Me: Native American NOT Nate of American.
Lily: Ohhhhh!
Addy: No it's not, it's an astronaut.
Okay stike that comment - maybe they BOTH need homework!
HA! I was thinking, Indian doesn't start with 'n'!!
That is so funny!
CUTE...what does their schoolteacher Granma think of that?
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