July 19, 2010


Ten years ago DJ and I bought this house in the Village...

(I loved that house.)

Ten years ago we got married...

(DJ looks 16, he was really 23. I promise.)

Ten years ago we never imagined that spending our 10th anniversary at a local gas station with our two sweet daughters would be so fun!! A lot changes in 10 years.

We didn't PLAN to end up at POPS for our anniversary, but we did and we had a great time!

We've learned a lot the last 10 years. Who we thought we were, who Christ created us to be, what kind of parents we are, what we want for our kids, what we want for our future, what we need from each other, what we do wrong, what we do right, and what we have to give.

Recently DJ and I read the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. I highly recommend this book. One of the main themes of the book is "What if God designed marriage to make us holy, more than to make us happy." Such a powerful message and thought process. Read it.

Well you can't always trust a 7 and 4 year old to snap a great picture to forever remember your 10th anniversary....
....but that's okay. We will remember it this way...and that's just perfect.


Alyssa said...

Pops is a great place to celebrate! Congrats on 10 years!!

Julie said...

Happy 10th!! What a milestone! great post...gave me goosebumps!

Summer said...

Congrats. And isn't it amazing how our idea of a good time has changed?

Wa Wa Waughs said...

That is so sweet. Congratulations!

Lesley said...

do u own a copy of that book? i'd like to borrow it! for our ten year i wanted to go somewhere sooo bad. we stayed at a B&B in edmond for one night. We didnt wan to be away from our babies very long ! Ideas have changed!

Kayla said...

I totally can't recognize you in your wedding picture! Maybe because it's midnight...

Happy Anniversary! Can't believe that didn't get mentioned already today!?!!?

You guys rock and I'm thinking I should pick up that book!

kj said...

Thanks everyone!! Our anniversary was July 1st! I was a little behind on posting this.

Yes Lesley I have a copy of the book you can borrow and then when you're done take it to Kayla! ; )

Gena said...

Happy belated anniversary. Congratulations on actually getting out of your house on the big day! That's more than most.