June 14, 2010

I'm no Amanda but I'm pretty darn proud of myself!

I recently took a coupon class with the Amazing Amanda (coupon lady) from my church. (If you want her info, let me know! She has classes all the time.) She's one crazy-coupon-clippin-saver-savvy-shopper gal! She amazes me.

It took me 5 transactions at Walgreen's and CVS but afterwards I had all of this...

for only $14.97. (Granted Amanda would have only spent .97 on all this!!!!!!!!) It's hard to see in the picture but there are 2 Shout's hiding in the back!

I also have $10 to spend on my next order at Walgreens, and $4 to use at CVS! I'm pretty proud!

Please notice there is toilet paper missing from the package, people in my household are so impatient. Apparently they thought wiping was more urgent than my blog picture....priorities.


Chellie said...

send me that info!

Kayla said...

Good job girl!

Julie said...

I LOVE coupon-ing!! I CVS all the time!! Andy laughs at me, but I get a real high out of a good bargain!! I follow lots of "saving" blogs and have even set up a seperate email address for all of my coupon sites...my latest "high" Three packs of baby wipes for 1.39 at target!! I have found, once you start, you really can't stop!!
Good Luck!

Natalie Hudkins said...

I love couponing! My cousin is the Coupon Princess, she has some good Homeland strategies. Nothing makes me happier than getting $6o worth of groceries for $10 there!

Marilyn said...

I took the 1st class & now I need to sign up for Amanda's CVS/Walgreens class! You're right, she's amazing...and you're right that she probably would have spent under $1!

mallory said...

So proud of you! I'll get there soon!

suzspeaks said...

I want the info!! That's awesome!!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

That's great...it will become 2nd nature to you if you keep it up!

I was excited about CVS today...I got a $3 off any purchase sent to my email from them for my birthday, plus using my coupons and ECB's, I was able to get a lot of goodies for just the tax cost!