I try really hard not to curse.
Have I cursed? (Yes Nana, I have.) Do I struggle with it occasionally at work? Yes.
Do I curse at home? No.
Never. (Okay, there was one time that Lily and I were in the car and I pulled out in front of a car and almost got t-boned. I did say shit, but she didn't hear me. Thank God.)
So...since Lily is learning so much at school I figured last night was a good time for her and I to talk about language she might hear at school. I told her there might be words she heard at school and she might not know what the words mean. I said "Lily, if you hear a word (maybe a bad word) and you're not sure what it means, you can tell me and we can talk about it." She said "Okay mom, I can do that! I don't know of any words like that, but if I hear any, I'll tell you." I felt good about the conversation. Parenting at it's finest.
So tonight the girls were running around the living room and Addy started screaming. Oh boy, here we go. I said "Girls come here, what happened?" Lily (wide eyed) said "Mom, I don't know...all I know is she ran smack damn into the couch."
I said, "What?"
Lily (looking at me, like I'm a fool) "she ran smack damn into the couch."
Now I was the wide eyed one and yelled, "DAMON!!!!"
We calmly explained to her that "smack damn" isn't a phrase we use. She said "oh like those words you said we should talk about?" "YES! Yes, exactly like we talked about." See, she WAS listening.
If she uses the term again, we get out the bar of soap. She's been warned. Ewww...I hope (for her sake, and the sake of not wanting to clean puke off my carpet) that she never says it again!
So, a suggestion if you do have to use the soap...don't use the "foaming" kind. Audrey did this with her oldest and they would put it on her toothbrush and rub it on her tongue for a second. Pretty effective. However, when she went to the dentist for the first time and they came at her with the fluoride on the toothbrush...she freaked out. "No mom, I don't WANT to get my mouth washed with soap." :)
Erick says he guarantees she was trying to say smack dab in to the middle of the couch. He's the language expert, you know. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt......for your sanity at least.
Thank you Beth, good point!
Gena, I really wanted it to be dab. That is why I said "WHAT?" Thinking I heard her wrong....OH NO she said damn. Clear as can be. But you're right, just thinking dab makes me feel better! :) (PS, I have a gift card for you.)
I'd trade 'smack damn' for poop in the floor vent anyday. Sounds like we both had eventful parenting evenings.
The question is, did you laugh? Austin and I couldn't quit laughing between gagging. Especially when Mase demonstrated how the poop got into the vent.
Keep Addy far far away!
You handled that BEAUTIFULLY!
Hahaha!!! I LOVE this story!!!
Okay--I'm SO laughing out loud right now!! At your story and Mandy's!!! So funny....
Avery called me a smartass after pre-k one day last year. Aren't school days lovely.
lol! And... to Kayla... I'm still laughing!
You can threaten "naughty juice". I've only had to use it twice and now I carry some in my purse in a little tube I got at Sally's. It is vinegar. Not harmful, but a tiny touch of it on the tongue does the trick! It's nasty!
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